Dog’s Life and A New Year Wish
May your 2018 be just like this.
It’s just a quick photo, taken with my phone on a walk in the Seymour Demonstration Forest earlier this week. It captures one second in a dog’s life.
In this moment, he is completely happy.
He is with his people, in the woods, off-leash, with snow (Geordie’s favourite), some mud, and a stick.
He still has the recent happy memory of playing with two big dogs (black and yellow labs, I think they were) just now walking out of the frame with their owners.
He doesn’t know it yet, but just entering the frame is another dog. This one loves to run for the joy of it as much as him, and they’re about to experience several minutes of euphoric woodland racing.
2017 had its ups and downs, but I wish you a 2018 full of times like Geordie’s.
Contentment in the moment . . .
fond memories . . .
unseen joy around the corner.

Happy Woof Year!