Ghost Raven
Whenever I go up into the mountains I’m hoping to see ravens.
They are actually part of my fitness program. If I ever feel like just sitting all day at the computer, I remind myself that if I don’t keep my knees in working order, I won’t be able to get up those mountains and therefore will not see those ravens.
So, ravens = fitness incentive.
On Saturday it was raining in Vancouver and you’d swear that the North Shore Mountains were non-existent.
But, as my father-in-law used to say, “If you don’t do things in the rain in Vancouver, you won’t do anything at all”.
So, we put the snowshoes in the car and headed up to Mount Seymour.
About halfway up the mountain a thick mist descended. By the time we reached the parking lot it was impossible to see more than a few feet ahead.
The chances of a raven sighting seemed pretty remote, given that I could hardly see my feet to put my snowshoes on.
But, just as we got kitted up and ready to head to the trail, I spotted an ethereal silhouette ahead of us.

A ghostly figure in the fog and snow.
I was pretty sure that this would be our only raven sighting for the day.
We headed off through the woods, stopping for a snack and break at First Lake. Just as we headed off again, I saw our ethereal raven land on the top of a tree by the lake and give a few mist-muffled calls.

Phillip at First Lake
We carried on to Dog Mountain. Normally this spot affords the most awe-inspiring panoramic views of Vancouver. On this day it offered a blank whitescape and a biting wind. After a couple of quick photos of the non-view, we prepared to retreat into the trees away from the gale.

The non-existent view from Dog Mountain on Saturday. You can just faintly see the raven flying above the small tree in the centre left.
And suddenly, there he was. Like magic, our ghost raven became corporeal for a few moments. He landed on the snow beside us.

The upswept punk look
I whipped off my mitts, dragged out the camera and was able to take a few shots of him before he turned around and wandered offstage again, back into the realm of mist and mystery.
More than enough motivation to keep my knees fit enough for further mountain expeditions.
For new raven portraits, visit my website.