How to Keep Your Cool

As usual, the birds have the best idea. When the temperature soars, head for the water.

I’ve been employing my own “beat the heat” strategies, most notably, getting up at 4am to get all of my “active” duties out of the way by early afternoon. It’s just too hot to be in the studio after 2, but getting up very early means you can have a lot of things done and dusted by noon! Of course, it does mean going to bed around 8pm, so not so great for the social life …

When it’s really hot, I love to watch the birds having fun with water in the garden – in the birdbath, the sprinkler and now in my new “mister”, purchased this week. Note: the mister is also great for spraying on yourself!

Here’s a selection of some of the visitors to the garden “water park”.

Sometimes a moment in a bath is the only peaceful time you get to yourself all day ...

Sometimes a moment in a bath is the only peaceful time you get to yourself all day …

And sometimes you just can't get the place to yourself. Sigh.

And sometimes you just can’t get the place to yourself. Sigh.

Best to get your feet wet first before plunging right in.

Best to get your feet wet first before plunging right in.

This little chickadee was waxing quite operatic at the birdbath.

Singing at bath time is traditional!

This little golden crowned sparrow had a sticky bit of rhododendron bud stuck to his foot, so he hopped in the birdbath to rinse it off.

This little golden crowned sparrow had a sticky bit of rhododendron bud stuck to his foot, so he hopped in the birdbath to rinse it off.

Everyone ends up at the birdbath

The birdbath gets some very elegant visitors.

Crow Stands on Birdbath

… and some very handsome visitors!

... and some just very, very happy visitors!

… and some very splashy visitors!


Hummingbird in Sprinkler

And some visitors prefer the lawn sprinkler!

May everyone stay cool and happy this weekend. And remember to put some water out for the birds if it’s hot and dry where you are. If you don’t have a birdbath, a plastic plant pot tray with some water in it will do. Just change the water daily.

To see my collection of bird prints, visit my web site.

logo with crow

spa crows

Crows enjoying the pools near the Royal Museum in Victoria. It was a very social and happy affair that went on for hours.

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