Save The Notre Dame Poplars

To voice your support for giving the Notre Dame Poplars a FAIR assessment before they're removed in favour of a synthetic turf football stadium, please contact the City of Vancouver Project Facilitator, Andrew Wroblewski at this address:
It would be helpful to copy your remarks to Vancouver's Mayor and Council. You can send them a group email HERE.
If you could just ask that they make sure that a proper and impartial arborist report is done on these locally important trees, not just a biased and obvious statement that they will be unsafe if the half the roots are dug away. We ask that the school and the City stick to promises made in 2006 to save the trees and the small bit of green space they provide in this already densely populated and nature-poor part of Vancouver. Mavis, Marvin, battalions of bushtits, Northern Flickers, sparrows, chickadees and robins, countless unseen bugs, cutely napping raccoons and I (of course) would be so very grateful for your help.

The City has already admitted that errors have been made in this development process. Let's not have the trees removed and then find out that was another one. One that can't be reversed.
For more background and to keep up with latest news, check our web site: Notre Dame Neighbours or follow on Facebook or Twitter.

Fine Art Photography Prints
Find the perfect art print for your home or create a gallery wall featuring these nature-inspired fine art prints by June Hunter.